Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm back with Nutrition Tip of the Week #12

Well, it happens to all of us - life is running along smoothly, we have our healthy habits in place, we're fully committed to participating in our fat burning activities that get us closer to our goals, and !BAM! life throws you a few curve balls and next thing you know you've fallen "off the wagon" and it's dragging you behind it!

These last few months that happened to me. I'm not too proud to admit that I've eaten things that make me blush to even confess them, and I've gone two+ weeks at a time without working out. I even forgot about my blog! I've ended up further from where I'd like to be in my "bye bye body fat" lifestyle. BUT, that's just it - it's a LIFE style. It's life and things like this happen. I just need to refocus, recommit myself and get a handle on my plan and what works best for me. That means Turbulence Training three to four times a week and clean eating with Precision Nutrition.

To get things started off right I did Workout A of the Turbulence Training 2K6 workout yesterday, then carefully planned my food for the week. Below is Nutrition Tip of the Week #12, which gives us a very appropriate reminder about "cheat meals" and keeping them under control!

I like to allow myself what I prefer to call a "reward" during the week - which may or may not be a meal. I think it's great to give myself something special for a job well done, but know those extra calories can easily undo all of my hard work! Remember to be sensible. If you didn't hit the gym as much as you had planned during the week, limit your reward to something smaller like that indulgent drink you've given up at Starbucks - just fore go the whip and Venti size! If you've earned a whole meal, have a slice or two of your favorite pizza, but stop there. This isn't license to eat the whole pie! Still hungry? I like to supplement the rest of my meal with a large greens salad with fat-free dressing and then reach for my favorite filler - a fresh apple with the skin.


Tip #12
Skip the Cheat Meal!
by Dr. John Berardi

Cheat meal frequency should be minimized when you're over 15-20% body fat. Basically, the fatter you are, the more likely that any excess food will be shuttled toward body-fat storage rather than muscle mass. So skip the cheat meal unless you're lean. And even then, think of it as an alternative food meal - not a cheat. Cheat meals are usually glorified forms of dietary debauchery. Alternative food meals allow for something a little different from the norm without the trough.

This tip is sponsored by Precision Nutrition - our pick for the best nutrition and supplement resource currently available. Containing system manuals, gourmet cookbook, digital audio/video library, online membership, and more, Precision Nutrition will teach you everything you need to know to get the body you want -- guaranteed.

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